Local Care for the Poor

The traditionally predominant approach to ministry and missions globally has been for wealthy individuals in one region to provide financial assistance, human resources, and expertise to another region. These resources are subsequently utilized to address the needs of the impoverished community. While this approach is highly well-intentioned, it has, in most cases, resulted in fostering dependency. The situation of the poor has not improved, but rather often deteriorates, and the individuals’ reliance on and expectation of external support tend to escalate over time.

In contrast, we collaborate with our local partners and neighbors in Jamaica to foster positive development within our communities, encompassing social, spiritual, and economic aspects. As the well-being of the community members improves, they will be better equipped to love and care for their neighbors, thereby reducing the necessity for external support.

To support this objective, we have implemented policies within the RAISE community to address the needs of the impoverished. One such policy stipulates that 10% of farm profits be allocated to a “Community Advisory Board,” which then distributes these funds in a manner that best addresses the needs of the impoverished community within its jurisdiction.